Some useful resources

The following books, documents, and blogs provide a deeper understanding of concepts underlying eDNA, detailed guidance on tool development, and how to conduct eDNA-based studies:

Applied Environmental Genomics (Berry et al. 2023. CSIRO Publishing, ebook): latest uses of genomic technologies for environmental science and management, with an emphasis on issues and considerations, diversity of applications and case studies. Available for purchase on Google Play or Amazon. Some chapters are available for free using the following link:

Environmental DNA. For biodiversity research and monitoring (Taberlet et al. 2018. 272 pp. Oxford University Press): covers definition and history of eDNA, protocols and guidance on each step of species detection and metabarcoding workflows for all environments (freshwater, marine, terrestrial, paleoenvironment, host-associated microbiota, diet, bulk samples). Available for purchase at Oxford University Press or Amazon.

Practical guide to DNA-based methods for biodiversity assessment (Bruce et al. 2021): detailed information and instructions on each step of the processes of eDNA surveys (factors influencing source of eDNA, sampling, DNA extraction, target species detection, metabarcoding, …).

Guidance on the use of targeted environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis for the management of aquatic invasive species and species-at-risk (Abbott et al. 2021): research document published by Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, available both in English and in French. This document focuses on single-species detection and supports Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) and Species At Risk (SAR) managers by providing considerations related to the definition of eDNA, and sampling, detection and analysis.

Environmental DNA and its application to Fisheries and Oceans Canada: National needs and priorities (Baillie et al. 2019): review report on the state of knowledge on eDNA, including understanding collection, identification and interpretation of eDNA, current and potential future applications and use within DFO, technological opportunities.

Environmental DNA. Information and Resources. Website providing resources and sharing information on using eDNA methods for the conservation and management of aquatic ecosystems with: an introduction to eDNA, reference materials, informational videos and webinars, field methods (including videos), guidance and lessons learned from practitioners during implementation of sampling protocols.

The eDNA/eRNA Research Blog. Blog posts that discuss multiple facets of eDNA and eRNA. A very useful resource to get an idea of the issues pertaining to eDNA/eRNA research and their potential solutions. Examples of some relevant topics: “How much is eDNA information worth?” (eDNA vs conventional surveys), “But where did the eDNA in my water sample come from – thoughts on eDNA transport”, “Where should we sample? “, “One apple, one orange - or why my metabarcoding dataset looks different from my visual surveys/nets/traps?”:

BIOCOENOSIS. Dr. Jordan Cuff’s blog. In particular his blog post March 2021, Primer time: a rollercoaster ride through metabarcoding PCR primer design that nicely summarizes PCR, DNA metabarcoding (dietary analysis) and primer design for diet analysis.